Kalau udah dewasa, aku mau jadi astronaut supaya bisa lihat bentuk bulan.
When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut so I could see how the moon looks like.
Andre H.
(8 y.o)
Blitar, Jawa Timur
Aku suka belajar sejarah dan bahasa. Kalau udah besar mau nerbitin fabel, dongeng, dan menulis cerita rakyat.
I like studying history and literature. When I grow up,I would like to publish my own fable and write my own folklore stories.
Poppy S.
(8 y.o)
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Mau jadi guru SD biar bisa ngajarin adik - adik berhitung.
I want to be a primary school teacher so I could teach kids math.
A. Gracia
(9 y.o)
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Mau jadi polisi supaya aku bisa menangkap orang-orang jahat.
I want to be a police officer so I could catch the bad guys.
Aditya P.
(7 y.o)
Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
Aku mau jadi tentara karena ayah suka liat tentara tapi gak sempat mewujudkan impian nya.
I want to be in the army because my dad had always loved watching them but he never had the chance to enroll himself.
M. Arif
(10 y.o)
Ambon, Maluku
We can create those leaders together
Our team boasts individuals from top universities worldwide, including Stanford University, Harvard University, Columbia University, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and Universitas Padjajaran. Many of these individuals are experienced leaders & experts from McKinsey, Go-Jek, BCG, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Salestock, Unilever, Lazada, HSBC, ConocoPhillips, OVO, and many more industries/ sectors, all of whom have passions for transforming the education landscape, and also grooming future leaders of Indonesia within Ruangguru.
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Regina R., CPO Analyst
“Working at Ruangguru has challenged me to go beyond my limits. Ruangguru not only offers great personal and professional development that allows me to become the best version of myself, it also a fun and flexible working environment that motivates me to deliver my best result.”
Andre M. , Product Marketing Associate
“Ruangguru offers two of the things that I look for in jobs: a group of amazing people and meaningful work. The people are helpful and are always committed to give their best. In this fast-paced environment, I can grow both as a person and as a team, where I can contribute to better education for students.”
Mita A., Content Marketing Manager
“Ruangguru is growing fast and the nature of its work environment is very dynamic and it always presents an opportunity to learn something new. It is a place where teamwork and skills are encouraged and are highly valued.”
Jevi S., Android Engineer
“I have been working at Ruangguru for almost a year and it feels like my second family. My people are friendly and are always open for discussions. They always encourage me to grow and improve both my knowledge and skills.”
Let’s Create More Leaders
Graduated from Ivy League universities including Columbia, Harvard and Stanford University, Iman and Belva forwent the opportunity to work abroad as well as left the comfortable life to come back to Indonesia for one mission. The mission that stemmed from the love towards this country and the belief of unparalleled potential our people have.